Thursday, August 20, 2009

One is silver and the others gold

So today the wee one and me had the pleasure of spending the day with some old friends. Not old as in "I haven't talked to you in three years and we're getting together to find out what your life is like now" old, but old as in "you were my best friends when I began the process of becoming me" old. I can't say enough about these wonderful, wonderful, yes, also sometimes sick and twisted, but truly fantastic people.

The really fun part was being there with my daughter... somehow it summed up how much things change and how much things stay the same. A truly cheesy statement, I know, but also plain old true.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Etsy Etsy Etsy

Hi friends!

So... recently I have been using all those precious solo minutes to build a shop on Hopefully my technologically incompetent self will figure out how to put a window into the shop up here. We shall see...

Oh, p.s. Here is a link ;)