Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Viva la analog

Viva la analog

Ok! Hiatus over, move accomplished, baby born, life moving in a forward direction. In all likelihood I will discuss these major milestones further at some point, but I just watched a video (view said video in the preceding post) that called me back to this... my lovely lonely web log.

So, I am an artist and a mother. (these being the original impetus for my logging on the web), and I have to say that I find this video terrifying. I will not scrap technology - connectedness is/will enable my family to live a version life that is better. But some things need boxes, not an increased number of surfaces upon which to display.

I, for one, do not want to live in a glass house.

Viva la analog.

A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning.